

My name is Sydney and I am a victim of brain injury. In my case I originally got a severe concussion during a high school volleyball match one month into my senior year. This progressed into PCS (Post Concussion Syndrome). Almost exactly a year after the original accident-while still under the symptoms of PCS- I hit my head again. This caused a secondary concussion, compounding symptoms with what was still lingering from the PCS, and nerve damage in the back of my head. I was forced to medically withdraw from college, move back home to live with my parents, and try to allow my brain time to heal. Since then we’ve tried multiple kinds of drug therapy (prescribing different medicines in attempt to lessen the affects of the problem and adjusting based on their success or lack there of), surgery on the nerves giving me trouble in the back of my head, and a few last ditch efforts taking fish oil, vitamins and other such things. So far the prognosis hasn’t changed much, but I remain hopeful and trust in God to use these events and others to make me into the best person I can be. I hope to use this blog as an outlet to get heavy weighing  thoughts and concerns off of my mind and also to hopefully raise some awareness to the truth of the effects that brain injuries can have on people and the struggles they face in their private lives and also in society.