Things I’m Thankful For in this Time of Tribulation

In attempt to break up the discouraging blog posts, I decided it would be fun to reminisce on some really funny, stupid things I’ve said or done while under the influence of my concussions/brain injury. However, unfortunately, I don’t remember any of them!! So, I decided, instead, to take a moment to look back on all of the things I’m so immensely grateful for despite my struggles during this time of tribulation. So, here goes!


My Faith

My faith has gotten me through many difficult and stressful times in my life before now, but I have never been so dependent on God for encouragement and hopefulness before in my life. Which also brings up that I’m incredibly thankful that God could love me and chase after me, personally, so much that he would work very personally in my life to help build me up in encouragement and remind me that He has my best interests in mind. And, in addition to that, I’m so thankful that this time has had the effect of making me more dependent on God and leads me to have a closer relationship with Him. I cannot look back on how my faith and relationship with The Father has grown over the last nearly two years and believe it to be a coincidence. I firmly believe that this was one specific reason that this struggle has been brought into my life and I can’t help, but sit in awe of The Father’s love for me. I do not deserve a love like His and I will continue to be in awe of that and grateful beyond words for it for the rest of my life here on earth and thereafter, as well.


My Family

Yes, my parents and I step on each other’s toes and are like kerosene on the flame of each other’s tempers at times, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love me despite my moments of having an unappreciative or unruly attitude. I know that my pain and what currently seem to be “setbacks” in my life break their hearts almost as much as it breaks mine, and knowing that I have parents who are so invested in my life that it would affect them so much to see me hurting is definitely a blessing. I see how much they care and it only encourages me more. I know that no matter how small my world seems to get, I’ll always have those two on my side to support me. Continue reading